Cane sugar

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DEERR (Noel).— CANE SUGAR. A text-Book on the Agriculture of the Sugar Cane, the Manufacture of Cane Sugar, and the Analysis of Sugar House Products; Together with A Chapiter on the Fermentation of Molasses. Norman Rodger, Altrincham. 1911. 15x24,5 cm. 592 págs. E.

Importante trabalho sobre a cana do açucar, de que deixamos o índice: I -  The cane; II - The Composition of the Cane; III - Range and Climate; IV - Verieties of the Cane; V - Sugar Cane Solis; VI - The Manuring of the Cane; VII - The Irrigation of the Cane; VIII - The Husbandry of the Cane; IX - The Pests and Diseases of the Cane; X - The Harvesting of the Cane; XI - The Extraction of Juice by Mills; XII - The Difusion Process; XIII - The Clarification and Defecation of the Juice; XIV - The Carbonation Process; XV - The Filtration of the Juice; XVI - The Evaporation of the Juice ti Syrup; XVII - The Concentration of the Syrup to Massecuite; XVIII - The Separation of the  Crystals; XIX - Molasses; XX - Megass as Fuel; XXI - The Polariscope as applied to Sugar Alaysis; XXII - The Optical Assay of Sugar; XXIII - The Determination os Reducing Sugars; XXIV - The Assys of Sugar House Products; XV - The Control of the Factory; XXVI - Fermentation with Special References to the Sugar House. Appendix.

Obra profusamente ilustrada, nas páginas de texto e em folhas à parte.

Encadernação dos editores,manchada. Assinatura de posse, antiga, no frontispício. Exemplar denotando uso.

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