African awakening (The)
12045-L22DAVIDSON (Basil).— THE AFRICAN AWAKENING. Jonathan Cape. London. 1955. 13,5x20,5 cm. 262 págs. E.
“(...) what follows is an attempt, necessarily partial and tentative, to describe and exlain this African awekening against a background of the great central region formed by the Belgian Congo, the French Congo and the Portuguese colony of Angola (...)”.
Do índice: I - Congo Journey; II - Shamba Bolongongo; III - The coming of Diogo Cão; IV - Lord os Congo; V - A Bishop’s Chair; VI - Reconquest; VII - Descent to Hell; VIII - Climbing Out; IX - End of the noble savage; X - Turning point; XI - Industrial Revolution; XII - By the Waters of Babylon; XIII - New York new ways; XIV - Not Eyeless in Gaza; XV - Are they children? XVI - The roman road; XVII - White man’s God? XVIII - Into Angola; XIX - A modern slavery; XX - Coast of Sorrow; XXI - São Tomé; XXII - After the Deluge; XXIII - The African awekening.
Primeira edição.
Encadernação editorial. Tintado à cabeça. Local e data, em caligrafia antiga, no frontispício.