Snakes of Africa (The)
13033-L22FITZSIMONS (FW) .- As cobras da África. Seu veneno e tratamento de mordida de cobra. Nova edição. T. Maskew Miller. Longmans, Green, e CO .. 1912. 15,5x23,5 cm. 547-I págs. E.
“(...) This volume is the outcome of many years of pratical study of the snakes of South Africa, in their haunts, in captivity, and a long series of experiments with their venom. The majority of the illustrations are from direct photographs of living snakes, and specially prepared anatomical preparations (...)”
Obra profusamente ilustrada nas pa´ginas de texto, folhas à parte e em folha desdobrável.
Encadernação dos editores, manchada na pasta de trás.