Health of our children in the colonies (The)
13370-L22ROBINSON (Lilian Austin).— THE HEALTH OF OUR CHILDREN IN THE COLONIES. A book for mothers. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Longmans, Green, and CO. New York and Bombay. 1906. 12,5x19 cm. 215-I págs. E.
“The fact that a new edition of this little book has been called for within six months of its publication is a very gratifying proof of its sucess in meeting, in some measure at all events, the needs of those whom I desired to help by it. I have endeavoured in this edition to enter a little more fully into the care of infants and delicate children in the actual tropics, and have also enlarged my list of common disorders of childhood. The addition of an Index will, I hope, make it more handy as a book of reference to mothers and others who have the care of children”.
Do índice: I - General Hygiene of Infancy; II - Early Growth and Development; III - Natural and Artificial Feeding; IV - Dentition; V - Mental Development and Early Training; VI - Common Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood; VII - Common Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (Continued); VIII - Respiratory System; IX - Nervous System; X - Others Common Diseases of Childhood; XI - Infectious Diseases; XII - Hygiene of School Life; XIII - Nursery Emergencies.
Encadernação editorial em tecido, manchada. Assinatura de posse, antiga, no frontispício.