Tschaikowsky - New Philharmonia Orchestra, Antal Dorati - Die 4 Orchestersuiten Completes Suites for Orchestra / Les 4 Suites pour Orchestre  Loja da In-Libris

Tschaikowsky - New Philharmonia Orchestra, Antal Dorati - Die 4 Orchestersuiten Completes Suites for Orchestra / Les 4 Suites pour Orchestre

  • 23,00 €

Label: Philips 
Série: 6768 035 (61)
3 x LP
Emissão: Países Baixos (Europa)
Lançamento: 1978
Género: Clássico
Estilo: Romântico


Apresentamos a primeira gravação completa por Antal Dorati, das Quatro Suites para Orquestra de Tschaikowsky, consideradas as suites mais populares e aclamadas pelo autor ainda vivo. 

"It was building up this more complicated internal structure that Tschaikowsy felt a sense of inadequacy as a symphonist, particularly in his early years. He was perhaps unduly influenced by the adverse criticism which met his first symphony and the fact that a nervous breakdown coincided with its composition. Yet there is no doubt that he envied the mastery over symphonic form of such composers as Mozart and Beethoven. And there was much truth in what he said when he once confessed to a friend: "All my life I have been greatly troubled by my inability to grasp and manipulate form in music. The expert eye can spy the threads in my seams and I can do nothing about it". He was a composer whose musical thought was not suited to sonata-form development, for his ideas were already fully developed when he wrote them." - pode ler-se no desdobrável que acompanha a caixa com os três LP's.

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