14119-B-XBANDEIRA (Sá da).— THE SLAVE TRADE AND LORD PALMERSTON’S BILL. 1840. 13,5x21 cm. 68 págs. B.
Primeira edição inglesa com a seguinte nota “In the Portuguese copy, from which the present translation was made, a few slight corrections had been introduced by the author.”
“(...) As Lord Palmerston, the British Minister for Foreign Affairs, alleged in support of that measure (which was his own proposition) the non-fulfilment of Treaties by Portugal, and as I was one of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs with whom the negotiations took place for the renewal and extension of the existing Treaties for the suppression of the Slave Trade, I consider it incumbent upon me to make an exposition of what took place, during the period I was in office, relative to those negotiations. I shall also analyse the assertions contained in the speech delivered by the noble Secretary of State, in Parliament, on the occasion in question; and I hope to show, on the fullest evidence, that the reasons which are alleged in favour of the Bill are totally without foundation (...)”.
Obra onde Sá da Bandeira traça uma breve história do tráfico de escravos e do movimento abolicionista, bem como opiniões ácerca dos tratados anglo-portugueses, que considera relevantes para esta disputa, além de valiosas informações sobre a importância da escravatura para a economia portuguesa, o número de escravos, os seus proprietários e valor das transações.
Peça de grande raridade no mercado.
Capa da brochura com carimbo a óleo e manchas de acidez, próprias do papel. Carimbo a óleo na primeira página de texto.