14864-LLKEARTON (R.).— BIRDS’ NESTS, EGGS AND EGG-COLLECTING. Illustrated with 22 coloured plates. Cassell and Company, Limited. London. Paris, New York & Melbourne. MCMII. 13,5x19,5 cm. 96 págs. E.
“The very kindly reception by the press a steady public appreciation, have led to this endeavour to make my little book more complete, by preparing an Enlarged Edition, including all British-breeding birds that have now any reasonable claim for treatment. The work deals with a number of more or less familiar winter visitors that do not stay to breed with us; however, this is perhaps an advantage nowadays, when we all travel much and far. As mentioned in the preface to the first Edition, this book is not intended to encourage the useless collecting of bird’s eggs from a mere bric-à-brac motive, but to aid the youthful naturalist in the study of one of the most interesting phases of the bird life (...)”.
Ilustrado a cores em folhas à parte.
Encadernação em inteira de pele, delicadamente decorada a ouro fino na lombada e pasta da frente e a seco nas seixas. Dourado por folha.