15495-LLLINK (H.F.).— TRAVELS IN PORTUGAL, and through France and Spain with a dissertation on the Literature of Portugal and the Spanish and Portugueze Languages. Translated from the german by JONH HINCKLEY, Esq. with notes by the translator. London. Printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster Row. 1801. 13x21 cm. VIII-504 págs. E.
“That zealous and active patron of Natural History, the Count of Hoffmannfegg, who is himself to great a proficientin the science, being delirous of a companion in his Travels to Portugal not wholly unexperienced in Botany and Mineralogy, I had the honour to be chosen to that important post (...)” Retirado do Prefácio.
Obra do famoso naturalista alemão onde reúne observações curiosas sobre Portugal, nomeadamente, Coimbra, Porto, Douro vinhateiro, região algarvia, etc.
De invulgar aparecimento no mercado.
Encadernação recente, decorada a ouro e nervuras na lombada.