CASTLES OF PORTUGAL Livro Loja da In-Libris


  • 25,00 €

EÇA (Almeida d’).— CASTLES OF PORTUGAL. Published by the  Portuguese Governement Tourist Office. 1925. Ofic. da Sociedade Nacional de Tipografia. Lisboa. Lisboa. 12,5x21 cm. 39-I págs. B.

“(...) Portugal, too, has Castles, Portugal also can show picturesque ruins, ruins and castles which are the pages of stone on wich her History is inscribed; (...) Taking the word CASTLES in the essencially Portuguese sense of a military construction, and without speaking of the early Roman Castra, we had, in the first place, the few castles which we inherited from the time when Suevi and Visigoths ruled here, and the many which were taken from the Arabs (...)”.

Com desenhos de Rocha Vieira representando numerosos castelos portugueses.

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