Latin-English Dictionary

  • 150,00 €

SMITH (William).— LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Based upon the Works os Forcellini and Freund. With Tables of the Roman Calendar, Measures, Weights and Money. Eighth Edition. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1868. 15,5x24,5 cm. 1214 págs. E.

“The following are the leading features which distinguish this Work from other Latin Dictionaries: — 1. It is a complete Dictionary of the Latin Language, containing all words occuring in the existing records of the language, from the earliest period to the fall of western Empire. (...) 2. It holds an intermediate position between the Thesaurus of Forcellini and the ordinary school Dictionaries, performing the same service for the Latin language as Liddell and Scott’s Lexicon does for the Greek (...) 3. In the Exegetical department, the great object has been to arrange the significations in a simple and consistent method, and to distinguish the various meanings of the same word by separate and clear marks; 4. In the Grammatical departement, archaic and irregular forms have been specified, and great pains have taken to explain clearly the syntactical construction of all important words, especially of verbs and conjunctions; 5. The articles on Natural History and Medicine, written by the late Professor Henfrey, of King’s College, London, supply a want existing in the all other Dictionaries (...)”; 6. The Archiological subjects are explained with references in every case to the “Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, “ to wich this Dictionary thus forms a companion volume; 7. Great attention has been paid to Etymology, in which department especially the Work is admitted by the most competent scholars to maintain a superiority over all existing Latin Dictionairies. (...); 8. In the present edition, every reference to the following Authors has been verified with the original texts (...); 9. A Vocanulary of Proper Names is in the press and will shortly be published as an Appendix to the work (...)”.

Muito conceituado e procurado.

Encadernação em inteira de pele, com alguns pequenos ferimentos. Seixas gravadas a seco.

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