
CHESS. Rendered Familiar by Tabular Demonstrations of the Various Positions and Movements, as described by PHILIDOR, with many other critical situation and moves, and a concise introdution to The Game, by J. G. Pohlman. London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Paternoster-Row. 1819. 15,5x24,5 cm. 449-III págs. E.

“PHILIDOR and CHESS, the Master and the Game, are destined to be coeval; and if the combination of  practice constitute perfection of character, surely the universally acknowledged celebrity of Mr. Philidor, both as a composer of the best Treatise that ever was written on the most scientific of Games, and as the best Player of it, justly entitles him to this pre-eminence (...)”

Importante e reconhecida obra profusamente ilustrada com diferentes jogadas de Xadrez, segundo os ensinamentos de François-André Philidor (1726-1795), brilhante compositor francês e imbatível jogador de Xadrez. No final vem ainda as notas deste célebre jogador, relativas a movimentos particulares das peças.

Encadernação em inteira de pele. Ténue mancha nas folhas de guarda.

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