Enchiridion or a hand for the one-handed

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DERENZY (George Webb) .— ENCHIRIDION OU UMA MÃO PARA O UNIDO. Londres. Impresso por AJ Valpy. 1822. (digo Elizabeth Licht, Editora. 1962.). 15x23 cm. 60-II págs. E.

“The attention which your Royal highness has invariably shewn to the necessities and comforts of the British Army, encourages me to offer to your Royal Highness’s notice the follwing pages, illustrative or a set of instruments, to the invention and improvement of which I was originally induce to turn my attention, by the inconveniences I found myself continually exposed to, in my own person, in consequence of the loss of my right arm, at the battle of Vottoria; and on the perfecting of wich I have since bestowed considerable time, in the hope of enabling some of the chance of war, or accident, may be in similar circumstances with myself, to derive the same benefit from the use of them that I have done (...)”.

Tabela dos Artigos, descrita como pertencente ao Aparelho de Uma Mão: 1. Mão lavada, completa; 2. Vice Ivory, com bola e soquetes; 3. Caixa de Barbear; 4. Almofada de chumbo; 5. Seringa; 6. lixa de unha; 7. File-holder; 8. Ganchos de inicialização; 9. Silver Egg-cup: 10. Steel Egg-holder; 11. Canivete; 12. titular de pena; 13. Pen-nibber; 14. Ruller; 15. Vice de Aço; 16. Chapéu-pau; 17. Faca e Garfo; 18. Bolachas de nozes; 19. Titular do cartão; 20. Caso para os instrumentos.

Fac-símile this curished the braço direito no army, adapta   objectos do quotidiano à nova situação. Ilustrado

Encadernação com lombada e cantos em pele. Carminado à cabeça.

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