Gil Elvgren

  • 40,00 €

MARTIGNETTE (Charles G.) & MEISEL (Louis K.).— GIL ELVGREN. All his glamorous American Pin-ups. Tashen. (19992). 26x33 cm. 272I págs. E.

Tem sido chamado de ""Rembrandt da fotografia"" e ""Rei do glamour". Fotografou estrelas da década de 1950, como Anita Ekberg, Jayne Mansfield, Brigitte Bardot e Marilyn Monroe. Fugiu da Alemanha nazi na década de 1930, migrando para a Califórnia tendo-se estabelecido em Hollywood.

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He has been called the ""Rembrandt of photography"" and the ""King of glamour."" Though he also photographed male luminaries such as John Wayne, Gregory Peck, and Elvis Presley, Bernard of Hollywood made his name doing portraits of female stars and starlets of the 1950s such as Anita Ekberg, Jayne Mansfield, Brigitte Bardot, and Marilyn Monroe. He fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s, migrating to California and eventually establishing himself in Hollywood.


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