Brazil. Resources possibilities

  • 30,00 €

BRAZIL. RESOURCES POSSIBILITIES. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Economic and Commercial Division. Rio de Janeiro. 1946. 16x23 cm. 280 págs. B.

“The English edition of this work has been prepared in such a way as to cover all the activities of the Brazillian people in their ardent andeavour fully to develop the vast resources with which Nature has endowed their country. During the recent war, such efforts were indeed necessary to enable Brazil to stand beside the United Nations in their struggle for the essencial freedoms and they are all the more necessary now that it is a question of consolodating the results achieved and so laying the bases os a lasting peace (...)”

Profusamente ilustrado a negro e a cores em folhas à parte. No final um mapa impresso a cores e em folha desdobrável.

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